Empowerment of working children and enjoy their rights – JAGORON

Duration December 2012 to November, 2015
Funder Save the Children
Location Chittagong City Corporation, Ward No-7,8,17,29 and 35
Beneficiary coverage Direct 1500 working Children
Goal Families, communities and employers able, responsible and held accountable to prevent labour exploitation of children and ensure working children have a rights-fulfilling working experience
  • Improved access to basic services: Safe work environments and improved work conditions.

  • Socio-economic empowerment through access to education and vocational training: Improved family and community capacity to prevent exploitative child labour.

  • Establish community-based child protection mechanisms.

  • Advocacy for changing and implementing policy toward prevention of child labour exploitation and fulfillment of basic rights of working children.

Children’s Action for Social Empowerment (CASE)

Duration April 2009 TO March 2013
Funder Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF)
Location Ward 17, 19 & 35 of Chittagong City Corporation
Beneficiary coverage 95,975 children
Goal Establish child friendly environment for all the children of the society.
  • To ensure access to basic services like health, education etc for the disadvantaged and working children through making the duty bearers responsive.

  • To develop an abuse and exploitation free area for the target population through mobilizing children and other stakeholders for necessary actions.

  • 300 working children and 700 poor and slum children have got health services from GO/NGO service providers.

  • Proper wages for 300 working children has been ensured and their working hours have also been reduced.

  • At least 75% poor and working children have been enrolled with formal education and 25% have been enrolled with non-formal and vocational education.

  • Corporal Punishment free educating environment has been ensured in 6 schools of 3 wards. All students of 6 targeted schools know about their rights in general.

  • Parents or guardians of targeted children (1000) have acted more responsively for establishing rights of their children.

  • 3 Ward Child Council (WCC) and 1 City Child Council (CCC) have functioned as right defender for the children.

  • 3 ward development committee (WDC), local administration, city corporation, government/non-government service providers such as district primary & secondary education office, police, civil surgeon, ward commissioner office have become responsive towards needs and the rights of the children.

  • Necessary information and edutainment have been given to the children for their psycho-social development through establishing child resource centre (CRC).

  • 60% of trained children(120) on skill development are involved with income generation activities.

Education Access & Quality Improvement Programme (EAQIP)

Duration Jan 2011 to Dec 2011
Funder Save the Children Australia
Location 18 East Bakalia Ward, Chittagong City Corporation area.
Beneficiary coverage All children (School Students of Primary level)
Goal To fulfill children’s rights to basic education, through support to all stages of schooling in order to increase access, especially for socially & economically marginalized children, and improve retention and progression through the creation of child friendly learning environments
  • Positive discipline intervention to ensure the child friendly learning environments: Over 36,820 children across 122 schools in Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar municipality & Daulatdia Union Council realize their right to a protective & child friendly learning environment.

  • Participation in education governance as a means to ensure quality education: Children, community and local government progressively contribute to and/or takeover the responsibility to ensuring quality education in the schools in program area.

Child Access to Rights through Development (CARD)

Duration July 2006 to December,2010
Funder Save the Children Australia
Location 18 no East Bakalia ward. in Chittagong city corporation
Beneficiary coverage 2250 children
Goal To create a child friendly society in Chittagong where children are protected, developed, valued and treated as active and responsible citizen according to the provision of UNCRC
  • Target children realized rights to participation, association, and freedom of expression, leisure, recreation, identity, access to information, education and health.

  • Target children empowered with enhanced skills to claim their rights from the duty bearers.

  • Increased support of key stakeholders for child right and local resources mobilized to support child development.

  • Children advocated with related policy makers and established network.

Let Children Speak Project

Duration July 2004 to December 2011
Funder UCEP – Bangladesh , Manusher Jonno, DFID
Location 1st Phase 16, 17 No ward Chittagong City Corporation and 2nd Phase at Khurushkul 9 No union in Coxbazar District.
Beneficiary coverage 360 Children and 360 Women
Goal Assist to eliminate all forms of abuses and discriminations affecting children’s life.
  • To create children Advocacy Forum from district level to national level to ensure their participation and voicing their views/opinions in policy and decision making process

  • Networking framework established between community, NGOs and Local Government.

  • Advocating on CRC through community, parents and local government is on going.

  • Children aware regarding their rights.

  • Documenting the lessons learnt.

Economic Empowerment of Fisherman Community(EEFC)

Duration September 2012 to August 2013.
Funder ILCU Foundation, Ireland,
Location Juldha Union of Patiya Sub-District at Chittagong
Beneficiary coverage 100 members (husband & wife) of 50 families formation two groups as a Female & Male Group
Goal To Ensure livelihood security establishing a fishermen’s cooperative credit union.
  • To Ensure livelihood security of the 50 fishermen households adopting alternative income generation activities and establishing a fishermen’s cooperative credit union.

  • They received 4 quantities of IGA Skill Development Training on Dress Making & Cutting 2 batches, Shopping Bag (Denim –Chat-Synthetic Fiber) Making 1 batches and Livestock Training 1 batches. Two groups member also formation a Cooperative Society and under process to get registration from Cooperative Department for Legal Status.

Advocacy for Reproductive Health, Gender, HIV/Aids through youth’s club

Duration January 2003 to December 2005.
Funder Youth Development Department under the Youth and Sports Ministry funded by UNFPA
Location Chittagong City
Beneficiary coverage 1050 Youth
Goal In order to create awareness to take preventive measures against the deadly disease HIV/AIDS organization has started campaign on HIV/AIDS prevention and reproductive Health
  • Awareness session on Reproductive Health, Gender & HIV/Aids at school and community level.

  • Sanitary ring slave distribution.

  • Primary health care service for mother and children.

  • Advocacy meeting with Stakeholders like as parents, teachers, marriage register, social elite persons and ward commissioner involved with project.

  • Days observation.

Rehabilitation of Persons with Disability

Duration January 2004 to December 2013
Funder REHASWiSS, Switzerland
Location City Corporation, Chittagong
Beneficiary coverage 1500 (Disabled People M:750, F:750)
Goal To Rehabilitations of Disabled People
  • To provide skill development training to persons with disability (male/ female) on different trades.

  • To provide technical and financial support to trained PWDs to be involved in their own IGA.

  • To promote marketing opportunities of the products of beneficiaries.

Empowerment of Women Through Sustainable Socio-economic Development

Duration April 2008 to March 2010
Funder Action Aid Bangladesh
Location Patiya Sub District, Chittagong
Beneficiary coverage 420 ( Women & Adolescent Girl 420 Indirect:12000)
  • Increased participation in local economy and decision-taking space of 420 women & adolescent from Patiya upazila, Chittagong district via training and income generating activities. Economic training of women through Income Generating Activities (IGA) and increase in social awareness combined with literacy/training culminated in reinforcement of women’s leadership. Through execution of this project women and adolescents were trained in groups and together identified their problems, after which they started economic activities thus increasing their income.

  • Base line survey on Project area using participatory tools.

  • Income generating activities (IGA) for 16 Groups

  • Staff orientation on IGA and overall project.

  • Financial assistance to groups for entrepreneur for 16 groups.

  • Participatory decision making for Financial Assistance to members.

  • Network with Govt. Departments & NGO's for activate Network with Govt.

  • Departments and NGOs for activate the rural level market management committee.

  • Advocacy workshop with market management committee/ gender and development issue.

  • Women entrepreneur network formation.

  • Women producer & Consumer group formation.

  • Participatory community resource mapping & power structure analysis through meetings/workshop.

  • Cross learning exchange visits between PNGOs.

  • Network / forum formation among groups, Union Parishad (UP), Local Government Bodies and civil society members/activists youth and adolescent peoples.

  • Workshop & meetings among stakeholders for information sharing action point identification & decision making.

  • Day Observation(World women's day, Girls Children Day)

  • Awareness raising on democratic rights workshops and trainings.

  • Leadership development training for group leaders.

  • Training & Workshop on capacity building and leadership role development of elected female UP members.

  • Community/UP level consultation.

  • Rights to know the information related booklet published Upazila level Govt.service analysis and discussion with community people community people.

  • Income generating activities (IGA) for 16 Groups.

  • Financial assistance to groups for entrepreneur for 16 groups.

Prevention of HIV/AIDS among Young People in Bangladesh

Duration June,2006 – Dec,2010
Funder GFATM, Save the Children USA, HASAB, YPSA
Location City Corporation, Chittagong
Beneficiary coverage 3000 Young People (M:1500, F:1500)
Goal Prevention of HIV/AIDS among the Young People (10-24 years) and to save Bangladesh from the epidemic form of HIV/AIDS
  • 2 staff imparted with master trainer training.

  • In turn they provided Peer Educator training to 25 youths aged from 15 to 24 years.

  • That 15 persons having training they provided the same to 1500 male and 1500 female aged from 15 – 24.

Primary Prevention of HIV/AIDS Risk Reductions through work – place interventions Garments Industries

Duration Apr2008 to Dec ,2008
Funder GFATM, Save the Children USA, HASAB, YPSA, SKUS
Beneficiary coverage 3300 Garments Workers( M: 16 50 F: 1650)
Goal Goal of the Project To limit the spread and impact of HIV in the country through preventing HIV/AIDS/STIs and reducing risks among the garments workers.
  • To empower most vulnerable young people working in garment industry through work-place interventions, including the promotion and practice the skill education.

  • To raise awareness among the Garments Industries to prevent HIV infection among the workers and ultimately avert a generalized epidemic in Bangladesh Organization conduct life skills training program.

  • Under the program 2 staffs of BBF imparted with master trainer training. After having training they also provided Peer Educator training to 10 Garments workers. In turn they also provided same training to 3300 male and female. 1600 community people also watched HIV/AIDS information related cinema.

Capacity Building Training to Rural Journalists on Report writing on election issues.

Duration January 2007 to June 2007
Funder IREX, USA
Beneficiary coverage 120 Local Journalists (Chittagong, Rangamati, Khagrachari, Bandarban and Coxbazar areas)
Goal The goal of this project is capacity building of 120 selected local Journalists to assist to good report writing on election issues.

A Collective Drive to Engender the Process of Women’s Empowerment

Duration July2006 to June2008
Funder USHA & Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF)
Location Chittagong City corporation
Beneficiary coverage 1500 Adolescent & Women
Goal Goal of the Project: To strengthen the institutional capacity of GDP partner organizations and flourish inner-potentials of women aiming at economic empowerment and gender equality.
  • Redesign the policy and program of the GDP partners in the light of Gender Equality in order to develop gender sensitive program at the grassroots for the effective and efficient use of micro credit by the women

  • 320 Women trained on gender issue.

  • 40 Women trained on IGA & business development.

  • Gender Development Forum (GDF) activated.

  • Gender policy developed.

Improved Institutional Responses to Children and Youth in Contact/Conflict with the Law

Duration January’2016 to December’2019
Funder European Union , Lead Agency: Aporajeyo Bangladesh
Location Chittagong
Beneficiary coverage Overall 4547 children but 572 Children for Chittagong district
Goal To provide greater protection for children in conflict with the law (CCL) through the accessing of rights and by improving institutional responses through strengthening of juvenile justice institutions
  • Protect the rights of children during arrest, detention and trial. It will do so by establishing child welfare desks (CWDs) in police stations and providing legal representation.

  • Divert children away from arrest, detention and imprisonment, where it is in the best interests of the child and promote rehabilitation by promoting community mediation through child welfare committee (CWCs) and establishing a bail supervision and support scheme and rehabilitation and reunification programme.

  • Lobby the government for juvenile justice reform and the replication of models of good practice developed.

An Inclusive Approach to Empowering Working Children

Duration April-2014 to March-2017
Funder World Vision Bangladesh,
Location Chittagong City Corporation, Ward No-18 & 19
Beneficiary coverage Direct 3500 working Children and 3500 Parents
Goal Creating enabling environment through empowering working children and strengthening the Child Protection system
  • Increased community awareness and effectiveness for voluntary withdrawal of working children from hazardous work.

  • Increased competency based education (literacy and technical skill) among the drop out and never enrolled working children.

  • Strengthened multi-level network of advocates to bring policy level changes and capacity for enforcement of policies that protect working children

  • Increased economic empowerment of parents of working children through market linkage.

Babu Barta for Slums (BBS) Project

Duration August-2014 to July -2016
Funder Secretary Office of Global Women Issues ,U.S. Department of State
Location Chittagong City Corporation -6wards (7,17,18 ,19 ,40,41)
Beneficiary coverage 2400 Pregnant Women & 2400 Family Member
Goal Empowerment of disadvantaged slum women and their community with better skill, education, information and linkage to promote better care of pregnant women contributing in reduction of infant & maternal mortality
  • Increased capacity of disadvantaged slum pregnant women/mothers with maternal care and health information for healthy pregnancy and baby.

  • Greater awareness of slum community to support learning of pregnant/new mothers, create supportive environment for them and effectively use health care systems for maternal care.

  • Better coordination of services of governmental and nongovernmental health care providers for effective access of maternal and child health care services by the slum community.

Socio-Economic Empowerment for the Persons with Disabilities (SEED) Project

Duration 1st Phase : January 2014 – December 2018, 2nd Phase : April 2019 - March 2023
Funder REHASWISS, Switzerland
Location The project covers disadvantaged urban & parry urban areas of Chittagong City
Beneficiary coverage Direct Beneficiaries : 250 persons with Disability (yearly 50) Indirect Beneficiaries : Around 2500 persons with Disability
Goal To empower the persons with disability, socially and economically, promoting their self-employment and securing their social entitlements
  • To increase institutional capacity and unity of persons with disability to aware them on their human rights, to generate their interest for self-employment and rehabilitation and to give them a unified platform for attainment of their rights.

  • To enhance knowledge, skill and capacity of persons with disability on profitable and disabled people friendly economic development activities.

  • To establish a financial support scheme to provide Persons with disability access to financial and input support to successfully start their concerned economic development activities.

  • Readily availability of social and legal support for the persons with disability through providing them access to information, referral, legal, linkage and device services.

Establish Slum-women’s Obtainment of Justice Adopting Grassroots Initiatives (ESO JAGI)

Duration January 2013 to March 2017
Funder Maxwell Stamp PLC, UK Aid
Location Chattogram City Corporation – 6 selected wards (4,7, 13,14,17,19)
Beneficiary coverage Approximately2,67260 women, 4000 men and 6,000 adolescent girls of 200 slum areas in Chittagong City.
Goal Improved access to justice and legal rights/entitlements for the vulnerable women in slum areas of Chittagong City contributing in reduction of all forms of violence against them at family and outside.
  • Increased awareness among women regarding their human and legal rights/entitlements, and access to a consistent first contract at community level for legal services and facilities.

  • Increased access of victimized women in slum areas to mediation, legal advice, litigation and other legal services through Community Legal Support Units.

  • Increased capacity of –, influence over –, and coordination among – local government, administration, law enforcement agencies and legal-aid actors in Chittagong City for taking rapid action for violence against women reported from slum areas.

  • Policy makers and city-based stakeholders are better sensitized through research evidences, networking and policy advocacy for provision of availing better mediation services at each ward level with grassroots linking up support.