Primary Prevention of HIV/AIDS Risk Reductions through work – place interventions Garments Industries

Duration Apr2008 to Dec ,2008
Funder GFATM, Save the Children USA, HASAB, YPSA, SKUS
Beneficiary coverage 3300 Garments Workers( M: 16 50 F: 1650)
Goal Goal of the Project To limit the spread and impact of HIV in the country through preventing HIV/AIDS/STIs and reducing risks among the garments workers.
  • To empower most vulnerable young people working in garment industry through work-place interventions, including the promotion and practice the skill education.

  • To raise awareness among the Garments Industries to prevent HIV infection among the workers and ultimately avert a generalized epidemic in Bangladesh Organization conduct life skills training program.

  • Under the program 2 staffs of BBF imparted with master trainer training. After having training they also provided Peer Educator training to 10 Garments workers. In turn they also provided same training to 3300 male and female. 1600 community people also watched HIV/AIDS information related cinema.